In this week’s issue of the Community Corner newsletter:
Homelessness prevention financial assistance for veterans: Supportive Services for Veteran Families
(SSVF) has funds to provide financial assistance to eligible veterans at risk of experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 outbreak. Veterans must meet the eligibility criteria and be able to provide verification to qualify for assistance. Reach out to SSVF, Catholic Community Services, or YWCA for assistance.
Service partner highlight: Seattle Goodwill provides workshops at the Seattle Job Training Center (700 Dearborn Pl
S) with topics including Applying with a Conviction History, Resume Essentials, Going to College, and many more. Goodwill also offers support services to provide a wrap around, holistic approach to their students. Case Managers can help students overcome barriers to employment with support in many ways, such as providing assistance with food, housing, healthcare, transportation, utilities, legal, domestic violence, or immigration related questions.
Community Involvement Commission: City of Seattle is currently recruiting to fill 11 vacancies on the Community Involvement Commission (CIC). The CIC advises City departments on coordinated outreach and engagement activities and is dedicated to holding the City accountable for increasing participation and engagement – especially among underrepresented communities. Apply by 5 p.m. Monday, June 14.
Personal finance class for domestic violence survivors: The YWCA is hosting a free, trauma-informed, holistic, and non-traditional 10-week online class about money matters for survivors of domestic violence. Participants will receive incentives plus up to $75 bonuses. Classes will be held Thursdays from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., June 17 – August 19, 2021. Register by June 11. For more info, call 206.338.9818 or email saustin@ywcaworks.org.
View the full newsletter PDF here.