In this week’s Community Corner newsletter:
Free Pre-Apprenticeship Training Programs: Come learn about the FREE pre-apprenticeship training programs offered by ANEW, YouthBuild, Seattle College Pre-Apprenticeship Construction Training (PACT), and Dirt Corps. These training programs will prepare you for a family-wage career in the construction trades, such as a carpenter, iron worker, pipefitter, sheet metal worker, or other trade.
Saturday August 7, 2021 from 12 PM – 5 PM, at 8600 14th Ave S Seattle
Graduates will receive direct or preferred entry into an apprenticeship program where you will earn $22 – $32 an hour and receive on-the-job training. Must be at least 18 years old, pass a drug test, and have a driver’s license. For more info, contact Tracy at tracy@anewaop.org or call (206) 785-6526.
Increased MPS Lifeline Hours: Starting this week, MPS Lifeline will be at the CRC every Wednesday and Friday from 9 AM to 2 PM, helping DSHS public-benefit recipients obtain a free phone with unlimited minutes & text, 25 GB data for 12 months. For more information, contact Lamar Hopkins at Lamar@mpslv.com.
Employment Opportunities: Catholic Community Services of Western Washington is looking for a Housing Case Manager – Regional Access Points (RAP). For more information, contact Carlos Martinez at carlosm@ccsww.org.
Ideal Option is looking for a Care Navigator. For more information, contact Rose Symotiuk at rosesymotiuk@idealoption.net
COVID-19 Vaccination Compensation Special Offer: King County Public Health has extended its special offer at the Downtown and East gate vaccination clinics through August 13. Clients will be compensated for their time and effort with a $25 gift card per visit. No appointment needed. For more information or to schedule an appointment call (206) 477-3284 or schedule online.
Free Webinar: Understanding Relapse Prevention Through a Trauma-Informed Lens: On Friday, August 13 via Zoom
from 12 PM – 1:30 PM, deepen your understanding of how trauma and attachment injuries are activated by the change process. Understand the nature of the emotional intensity and reactivity that our clients experience in early recovery. Consider trauma-informed approaches that increase stabilization and emotional regulation. Click here to learn more or RSVP to scherry@northpointrecovery.com.
Report: Seattle Police Stop Black People, Native Americans at Far Higher Rate Than White People: Black people, per capita, were seven times more likely to be subjected to force by Seattle police than white people, and five times more likely to be stopped and questioned. Read more.
View the full newsletter PDF here.