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自 2023 年 1 月 30 日起,西雅圖城市法院對未繳之停車、照相,以及交通罰單將恢復收取滯納金

西雅圖城市法院自 2023 年 1 月 30 日起將對逾期的西雅圖交通違規罰單恢復收取滯納金。 自從 2020 年 3 月新冠疫情大流行的爆發開始,未繳罰單的滯納金便暫停收取。若這些罰單屆時仍未繳付的話,將有超過 29 萬 5 千張的罰單會受到影響。我們呼籲民眾在 2023 年 1 月 30 日之前將逾期的罰單付掉、利用法庭的分期付款計畫或社區服務計畫的方式,或者安排一場聽證會來對其罰單提出抗辯或要求減輕罰鍰,以避免滯納金。 由於疫情大流行對許多人造成的經濟困境,法院自 2020 年 3 月起將逾期罰單原本會罰的費用暫停收取,並且也不會將這些罰單轉至催繳機構。停車和照相違規罰單的滯納金為 $25 美元,交通違規罰單的滯納金為 $52 美元。 民眾可透過網路繳交罰鍰、使用 VISA 或 MasterCard 信用卡透過電話支付、郵寄支付或到西雅圖城市法院現場支付,或到您附近的西雅圖客服中心付款。 若您的停車或照相違規罰單已丟失,您可在法院的線上入口網站利用您的車牌來查詢。請利用網頁左邊目錄的「汽車資訊」(Vehicle Information) 來查詢您的車牌。用您的車牌來查詢,任何開給您車輛的西雅圖罰單都會被列出來。 若您的交通規罰單已丟失,您可在法院的線上入口網站上,在「被告人搜索」(Defendant Search) 的頁面中利用您的姓名來查詢。單點您的姓名,任何開給您的西雅圖交通罰單都會被列出來。 若您無法全額繳付您的罰鍰,您可在 2023 年 1 月 30 日前申請分期付款或社區服務計畫來支付。您分期付款的最低應繳金額最低可至每個月 $10… [ Keep reading ]

ستستأنف المحكمة المحلية في سياتل تحصيل رسوم التأخر في السداد المتعلقة بمخالفات وقوف المركبات والمخالفات المسجلة بالكاميرا ومخالفات المرور غير المسواة في 30 يناير 2023 

ستستأنف المحكمة المحلية في سياتل تحصيل رسوم التأخر في السداد المتعلقة بالمخالفات البسيطة في سياتل التي تجاوزت تاريخ استحقاقها اعتبارا من 30 يناير 2023. جرى تعليق رسوم التأخير المتصلة بالمخالفات غير المسواة منذ أن بدأ ت جائحة كوفيد-19 في مارس 2020. هناك أكثر من 295000 مخالفة ستتأثر إذا ظلت المخالفات… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Court Will Resume Late Fees for Unpaid Parking, Camera, and Traffic Tickets on January 30, 2023

Over 295,000 unpaid tickets are potentially affected عربي | Español | 简体中文 | ਪੰਜਾਬੀ | русский | ትግሪኛ | Tiếng Việt Seattle Municipal Court will resume late fees for Seattle infraction tickets that are past their due date beginning January 30, 2023. Late fees for unpaid tickets have been suspended since the COVID-19 pandemic began… [ Keep reading ]

Sign Up for New Seattle Ticket Debt Reduction Hearings

Seattle Municipal Court now offers ticket debt reduction hearings for people who can’t afford to pay their debt from Seattle parking, traffic, or camera tickets. You are eligible if you are: Low income Have debt from parking, traffic, or camera infraction tickets in Seattle Municipal Court that you can’t afford to… [ Keep reading ]

New Seattle Ticket Debt Reduction Hearings starting February 3, 2022

Starting February 3, 2022, Seattle Municipal Court will offer hearings for people who are low-income and can’t afford to pay their debt from overdue Seattle parking, traffic, or camera tickets. These hearings are an opportunity for people with ticket debt to speak with a court magistrate to request to reduce… [ Keep reading ]

Presiding Judge Gregory grants motions to dismiss 37 Prostitution cases and 73 Driving While License Suspended cases

Seattle Municipal Court Presiding Judge Willie Gregory recently granted several motions from the Seattle City Attorney’s Office: the first to quash bench warrants, close, and dismiss 37 outstanding Prostitution cases; the others to quash bench warrants, close, and dismiss a total of 73 outstanding Driving While License Suspended in the… [ Keep reading ]

Taking steps to reform legal fines and fees

One very important area of criminal justice reform is in legal financial obligations, or LFOs: fines, fees, costs and restitution imposed by the court. A recent report found that “people of color in Seattle were consistently charged with more fines and fees per capita than White people, across all types of cases,” as this Bloomberg… [ Keep reading ]