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Posts categorized under en banc ruling Archives - For the Record

Seattle Municipal Court Judges Issue a Final Order on En Banc Expired Blood Vials

In May 2024, the Seattle Municipal Court determined the issue of expired blood vials was of citywide significance per Seattle Municipal Court Local Rule, SMCLR 8.2.4. An en banc panel comprised of SMC Judge Catherine McDowall, Judge Damon Shadid, and Judge Willie Gregory. Hearings were held on September 9-10, 2024, and… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Court Presiding Judge Issues Order Establishing En Banc Panel Related to Expired Blood Vials

On May 20, 2024, Seattle Municipal Court (SMC) Presiding Judge Faye R. Chess issued an order on criminal motion regarding expired blood vials, having determined this issue to be of citywide significance per Seattle Municipal Court Local Rule, SMCLR 8.2.4. Per the order, an en banc panel of SMC Judges Catherine… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Court Judges Issue En Banc Ruling Denying Defense Motion to Suppress Breath Alcohol Readings Obtained from Draeger Alcotest 9510

Seattle Municipal Court (SMC) judges have denied a motion from defense to suppress breath alcohol (BAC) readings obtained from the Draeger Alcotest 9510 in a ruling issued on January 3, 2023. Having determined this to be an issue of citywide significance pursuant to SMC Local Rule 8.2.4, a panel consisting… Filed Under: en banc ruling, General, News ReleaseTagged With: , ,