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SERIES: Who’s Who at SMC

Late last year, Seattle Municipal Court (SMC) introduced a new blog series—essentially a “Who’s Who at SMC” —that lets you get to know the people behind the scenes who make the day-to-day interactions at the court function. Our eighth person for you to meet is Marshal Nathan Conder. So far, we’ve… [ Keep reading ]

SERIES: Who’s Who at SMC

Late last year, Seattle Municipal Court (SMC) introduced a new blog series—essentially a “Who’s Who at SMC”—that lets you get to know the people behind the scenes who make the day-to-day interactions at the court function. Our sixth person for you to meet is Jasmine Williams, a court clerk at… [ Keep reading ]

SERIES: Who’s Who at SMC

Last month, SMC introduced a new blog series—essentially a “Who’s Who at SMC” —that lets you get to know the people behind the scenes who make the day-to-day interactions at the court function. Our second person for you to meet is Noah Weil, a magistrate at the court. Click here to… [ Keep reading ]

You’ve Been Served 2024

The District & Municipal Court Judges’ Association (DMCJA) convenes an annual You’ve Been Served event to foster connections between state legislators and courts. This year’s event was held on Oct. 23 and had the theme Courts of Limited Jurisdiction (CLJs). Seattle Municipal Court (SMC) participated as a host site for… [ Keep reading ]

A Decade Plus of Seattle Youth Traffic Court 

In an era with civics education on the decline, one important annual program at Seattle Municipal Court (SMC) is introducing Garfield High School (GHS) students to the judicial process through Seattle Youth Traffic Court (SYTC). Youth courts take place nationwide and are primarily made up of volunteer middle and high… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Court recognizes two years of Community Court in 2022 report

Seattle Municipal Court issued a report reviewing the Seattle Community Court (SCC) program’s first two years. Launched on August 10, 2020, the SCC program is the result of a multi-year collaboration among the Seattle Municipal Court, the Seattle City Attorney’s Office, and the King County Department of Public Defense. Read… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Court Judges Agree to Seattle City Attorney’s Proposed Changes to Seattle Community Court

The Seattle Municipal Court judges, in an effort to work collaboratively, have agreed to the Seattle City Attorney’s proposed changes to Seattle Community Court. The City Attorney requested that certain individuals they have identified as ‘high utilizers’ be excluded from participating in the program. The Community Court agreement already provided… [ Keep reading ]

Probation Counselors Prepare for Seattle Community Court with Community Service Site Visit

By Curtis Bright When the new Seattle Community Court launched on August 10, 2020, it was the result of over a year of planning and months of preparation by Seattle Municipal Court’s Programs and Services staff. Over the summer, Probation Counselors Leah Pastrana, Curtis Bright, Sokpul Chea, and Community Service Crew Lead… [ Keep reading ]