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Posts tagged with SMC in the Community Archives - For the Record

Seattle Municipal Court and Numerous Service Providers to Host Community Relief Day on Friday, September 27, 2024

Seattle Municipal Court (SMC), along with numerous social service providers, are hosting a Community Relief Day from 10 AM to 3 PM on Friday, September 27, at the Jefferson Community Center (3801 Beacon Ave S.) in Beacon Hill. Community members will get help with addressing SMC warrants and setting up… [ Keep reading ]

Seattle Municipal Court Hosts Judges and Journalists from The Republic of North Macedonia  

Seattle Municipal Court visited by delegation of judges and journalists from the Republic of North Macedonia as part of study visit.

Community Relief – Day, December 1, 2023

Seattle Municipal Court and social service providers are coming together to provide a Community Relief Day: Seattle Tickets & Social Services Event on Friday, December 1, 2023, 10 am – 4 pm at the Public Health/Chinook Building, 401 5th Avenue, Seattle. Community members can address unpaid Seattle tickets, Seattle Municipal Court warrants, and access a range of supportive services from partnering organizations.

Seattle Municipal Court Releases Analysis of Disproportionality in Assessed Fines and Fees

In March 2023, the Seattle Municipal Court (SMC or Court) completed a research report entitled, “Analysis of Seattle Municipal Court Imposed Criminal Fines and Fees.” The report is in response to a Seattle City Council Statement of Legislative Intent (SLI) SMC-001-A-002 and a recommendation in a Seattle City Auditor 2021… Filed Under: Equity and Accessibility, Fines and Fees, Racial EquityTagged With: , , ,

Join Us for One Seattle Day of Service

City of Seattle invites you to participate in a citywide day of volunteerism You are invited to participate in the One Seattle Day of Service on Saturday, May 20, 2023. Mayor Harrell, together with local leaders, City employees, and residents of Seattle will be rolling up their sleeves, coming together, and… [ Keep reading ]

西雅图市法院将于 2022 年 9 月 19 日在南西雅图举行社区外展活动

西雅图市法院(以下英文简称 SMC)将于 9 月 19 日星期一上午 10 点至晚上 6 点,把法院和社会服务直接带到雷尼尔海滩社区中心。 社区民众若有因为西雅图的罚单而收到 SMC 的逮捕令、需要安排分期付款或社区服务的话,都可以在该活动现场得到协助。 活动访客若有因为西雅图的罚单未缴而寸步难行,他们也可以开始其更新车辆注册单 (标签) 的流程并使用「社区资源中心」所提供之相关协助。 我们的职员可以回答关于法庭程序的问题、安排听证会,以及提供法庭提供的计划的相关信息。 参加民众可事先注册以在活动现场能快速完成报到手续。 活动当天也会提供索马里语、西班牙语、阿姆哈拉语、越南语和普通话的口译服务。 活动期间需要佩戴口罩,并采取健康和安全措施。 现场将会为没有口罩的与会者提供口罩。 这是SMC 自 2019 年 10 月以来的第一场外展活动。 因为外展活动在新冠病毒大流行期间都被延期。 活动当天现场提供的协助服务包括*: SMC 逮捕令和罚单的客户服务 DSHS 的福利登记(食品、现金、医疗、身份证) 为符合条件的低收入民众免费提供带有上网数据的智慧型手机 与律师讨论撤销重罪案之毒品定罪(Blake 推荐) 申请公共辩护律师的资格审核 取得 YWCA 之医疗保健 心理卫生服务及资源 药物辅助治疗的相关信息 毒品使用障碍治疗计画 住房资源 公用事业和电费账单援助 ORCA LIFT 公车卡和交通运输资源 教育、求职、培训和学徒机会的计划 免费卫生包 提供免费午餐… [ Keep reading ]

El Tribunal Municipal de Seattle llevará a cabo un Evento para la Comunidad en el sur de Seattle, el día lunes 19 de septiembre de 2022

El Tribunal Municipal de Seattle (SMC) traerá servicios sociales y del propio tribunal al Centro Comunitario de Rainier Beach el día lunes 19 de septiembre, de 10am a 6pm. Los miembros de la comunidad recibirán ayuda para resolver órdenes de arresto emitidas por el SMC y para establecer planes de… [ Keep reading ]

Tòa án Thành phố Seattle sẽ tổ chức Sự kiện Tiếp cận Cộng đồng ở phía nam Seattle, Thứ 2, ngày 19/9/2022

Tòa án Thành phố Seattle (SMC) sẽ có các dịch vụ tòa án và xã hội tại Trung tâm Cộng đồng Rainier Beach vào Thứ 2, ngày 19 tháng 9, 10:00 sáng-6: 00 tối. Các thành viên cộng đồng sẽ được hỗ trợ giải quyết các trát SMC và lập… [ Keep reading ]

Maxkamadda Magaalada Seattle oo ku Qabaneysa Dhacdo Wargelin Bulsho Koonfurta Seattle, Isniin, Sabteembar 19, 2022

Maxkamadda Magaalada Seattle (SMC) waxay keeneysaa adeegyada maxkamadda iyo bulshada Xarunta Bulshada ee Rainier Beach, Isniin, Sabteembar 19, 10:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. Xubnaha bulshada waxay caawin ka heli doonaan xallinta amarrada soo-xirid ee SMC iyo dejinta qorshooyin lacag-bixin ama qorshooyin khidmad dadweyne si lagu xalliyo tigidyada Seattle. Booqdeyaashu waxay sidookale keeni… [ Keep reading ]

የሲያትል ሙኒሲፓል ፍርድ ቤት በሳውዝ ሲያትል ሴፕቴምበር(September) 19, 2022 የኮሚኒቲ የትውውቅ ፕሮግራም እያዘጋጀ ነው። 

የሲያትል ሙኒሲፓል ፍርድ ቤት (Seattle Municipal Court) (SMC)፣ የፍርድቤትና የሕብረተ ሰብ አገልግሎት(social services) በሬነር ቢች ኮሚኒቲ ሴንተር ሴፕቴምበር(September) 19፣ ከ10:00 ከቀኑ እስከ 6:00 ከምሽቱ ያመጣሉ። የኮሚኒቲው አባላት ያላቸውን የSMC በተገኙበት ይታሰሩ (warrants) የሚለውን ትእዛዝ መፍትሄ ማግኘትና፣ ለቲኬታቹህ የክፍያ እቅድ ወይም የኮሚኒቲ አገልግሎት እቅድ በማውጣት ይተጋገዛቹሃል። ተሳታፊዎች በሲያትል ሲቲ ያልተከፈለ ቲኬት… [ Keep reading ]