In this week’s Community Corner newsletter:
- Let your voice be heard! Did you know that, regardless of release date, if one is not currently incarcerated, is a citizen over the age of 16, and a resident of Washington State for at least 30 days then they are eligible to register to vote? Voter rights are now restored immediately upon release from prison, even if you’re still under community supervision or owe any court fines or fees. Learn more.
- Mark your calendars for the Energy and Utility Resource Summit on Sunday, October 26, from 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m at the Museum of Flight. A diverse group of programs, resources, services, and experts around affordability, conservation, environmental best practices, and climate justice will be sharing information, answering questions, and providing tools to help customers access resources. City of Seattle residents can receive up-to-date information about electric and water rate discounts and emergency utility payment assistance. Learn more.
- Count the Kicks and Amerigroup in Washington are offering a free webinar on “Count the Kicks,” an evidence-based stillbirth prevention program. Healthcare providers, nurses and community-based workers are invited to join in to learn more about stillbirth prevention and to receive free educational “Count the Kicks” materials (including brochures, posters, app cards). RSVP here.
And more! Read the October 9, 2023, newsletter.